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September 2022

A lot happens when a candidate for public office decides to brave the reality of going out and meeting people at their homes with what are essentially known as "cold calls."  There are no advanced preparations nor extended scripts to follow and the people one meets are often essentially unknown.  I should know, I've been to all of the more than 12,000 homes in our Legislative House District 13 at least nine times since March of 2018.


For me personally, have roughly walked 3,000 miles over the past 55 months, most of the time, campaigning and going door-to-door is an enjoyable experience that I will continue if I am elected to office (health and safety permitting).  However, there are some difficult and sometimes even painful moments on the campaign trail.  Nevertheless, there have been sometimes even more wonderful personal encounters as well.

Getting Dripping Wet

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Fell on black ice and sustained my first tear in my newspaper letter carrier bag and a huge bruise on my left buttox.  January 8, 2019 

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As a result of my fall on black ice, I bloodied my hand as well as some of my campaign flyers. 

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In a commitment to visit every home, sometimes it becomes necessary to discover hidden residences such as these two rental units (to the left out the the picture) attached behind a home.  Add the winter effort and the campaign becomes even dangerous as well. 


My first dog bite since my 2004 Utah House Campaign.  June 24, 2020.

Snow removal by me in March 2019.

Snow removal by someone else February 2020


The worst rain day of my campaign.  2018.

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Sometimes just getting to the door takes a little bit of ingenuity and a dash of courage.  There can be boxes in your way, bats, or just having to walk the plank.


During my two and a half year campaign, I managed to go through six pairs of shoes.


Had an opportunity to see the 88-year-old Frankie Valli in concert May 14, 2022 at the Maverik Center after a year's cancellation.  Decided to finally discard my seventh park of Sketcher shoes.  The wet socks this past winter had just become too much.


Even though this woman wasn't able to walk down the stairs, she still offered me a water bottle by crawling on her legs here last summer.

Rain and campaign flyers don't mix.  In 2019, I was asking residents about their thoughts about our state legislature and government.  I needed to take notes with a pen in one hand while writing on a clipboard held by my other hand.  Add an umbrella for the rain that usually would take a third hand.

The surprising rigors of just dropping literature at homes (2019)

Campaigning can also be fun and entertaining.

(March 2020)

The video to the right was taken several minutes before the one on the left and before permission was granted.  Uploaded May 23, 2022

A Dark and Lonely Evening 2019

Concluding Remarks

After A Hard Fought Campaign

It's been a real whirl wind of a campaign fraught with many surprises, many great neighbors, and a variety of ups and down.  Many thanks to the hundreds of residents who have provided me encouragement and support even in the darkest and most stressful days.  Couldn't have made it without you.


Tab Lyn Uno

Candidate for Utah House #13

My blistered foot on January 14, 2021 just as I attempted to undertake a literature drop of the entire 12,000 home legislative district.  Just a few days later, my connective tissue of my left leg would seize up making it impossible for me to execute my planned literature drop.  It would be another five months before I could start up my campaign again. 


2021 Community Survey


I tried to begin my 2022 campaign in January of 2021 but my right leg would not cooperate in constantly walking to homes and leaving my campaign flyer.  Spent one month in physical therapy without success.


But beginning in July I started up again revisiting every home in Utah House District 13 to conduct my second Legislative Community survey and discover the important issues of our community. 


Along the way, I found myself undertaking a few side activities.  To the right I am helping a resident park his recreational vehicle.  This is not something I usually do.  September 20, 2021.


A spontaneous demonstration of resident compassion.  This woman on July 21, 2022 just drove up next to me to offer me smoothie to drink as I was walking along.  A lot has been made of how our society is becoming so calleous and divisive.  But I have met on the whole many wonderful people, residents who are courteous, friendly and caring like this woman.  There is a lot to remain hopeful and thankful for.

West Point still has undeveloped properties and sometimes long distances between homes.  Here I have been out undertaking my legislative survey for over nine hours on July 16 2021.  I had only begun to revisit the Legislative District a couple of weeks earlier.  This man who I had met more than years years earlier offered to give me a lift to the next home.  It was a very welcomed offer.  We were trying to save his 3.5 acre pond from the Legacy Extension Project.

Just a few moments later after being dropped off by the friendly resident giving me a lift (see directly above), a nasty wind storm just came out of nowhere.  After nine hours of walking, it was not something I really looked forward to, especially knowing that I would have to walk back to my car that was about a quarter of a mile away on this particular stretch of the campaign trail.

My second visit meeting this resident at her home on September 20, 2021.  A thrid way through my community survey having visited about 4,000 homes by this point..


September 4, 2021.  I want to thank my very first campaign volunteer of the 2022 General Election.  She offered me a cold cup of ice water and allowed me to sit in the shade of her home. 

SMART DOOR BELLS.  August 30, 2021.  With the increasing number of homeowners deciding to purchase Smart Doorbells, the opportunity arose during the 2020 election campaign period to produce mini-marketing spots instead of just standing around on a porch looking dumb.  This recording is one of two that a resident volunteered to show me what a version of my presentation is like.  From roughly one in ten homes back in 2018 to one out of three homes today, I have probably recorded more than 8,000 90-second spots.  It actually is not easy to do them over and over again.  Campaigning is hard work and not everybody appreciates such efforts; in fact, some residents become downright angry.  Others have gone out of their way to say they "love it."

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November 18, 2021.  A couple insisted that I try some of their freshly baked roll hot out of the oven and some white cake (if I recall correctly).  Almost always it was offers of something to drink, rarely food.

December 18, 2021.  West Point Junior High School.  Former State Rep. Paul  Ray (left) attends the legislative district Republican delegate meeting where they voted to nominate Karen Peterson (Clinton)  as his replacement.

December 28, 2021. 

A bird's feeding frenzy at the end of the year.


2021 was a challenging year and having the challenge of completing my second legislative community survey in the coming months continued to be the hardest part of the 2022 election.  Emotionally and physically draining.  But the support and offers of water bottles, sitting down and holding informal conversations deserves my thanks to all the kind residents out their in our Utah House District.  THANK YOU! 


Tab Lyn Uno

August 2020 Campaign Video



Campaigning for political office is a daunting and intimidating process for most people.  The cold and hot temperatures can be brutal.  A few people can be callous and unforgiving. 


Running (or at least for me walking) to complete my Legislative survey and then going back to all 12,000+ homes in the legislative district is not for the faint of heart.  It takes stamina and an ability to develop a thick skin but not so thick that one cannot empathize with the many  personal greivances and concerns of local residents of all political beliefs.


This year will be a defining moment in our Country's history as the U.S. Supreme Court returns a substantial amount of political power back to the States.   The rights and responsibilities given voters is greater now than ever before.


January 21, 2022.  Clinton.  Unpredictable weather is a major concern when campaigning.  Rain destroys printed material, wind blows the flyers away and littering porches and yards, snow makes for frozen fingers and difficulty rolling up flyers, and sunny days hurts and blinds the eyes and burns the skin.


This day (left) an unusual fog suddenly rolled in and created an eerily quiet, icy frost atmosphere in the neighborhood.   Several minutes later, the fog lifted and the brilliant, chilly sun came out again (below and below left).


February 25, 2022.  Before State Rep. Paul Ray stepped down from the Utah House last December after 20 years, he oversaw as co-chair of the Committee of the State Legislature's dicennial redistricting process that altered the Legislative districts to account for changes in population based on the 2020 U.S. Census.  The result was the deletion of a Syacuse and most of three Sunset voting precincts from Utah House District 13 and the addition of three voting precincts from Clearfield City.


Between 2000 and 2010, the address I lived at was in Utah House District 14 and where I ran against Rep. Curt Oda in 2004 in Clearfield.  I am now back again with the three new Clearfield voting precincts that have been added to Utah House 13.  I am now returning after 18 years to the homes that I had canvassed all those years ago.

January 21, 2022.  A false alarm sent me to Roy Instacare and cut short my active campaigning while experiencing great physical pain but manage to stumble back to my car two blocks away the day before.   The temperature had been in the twenties that day before and just above freezing when I went back out again retracing my steps.


Phase One of my campaign started back in July of 2021  consisting of undertaking my Legislative Survey visiting all 12,000+ homes of the 2010 designated legislative district and asking residents about their opinion of our state legislative and issues, if any, that needed to be addressed.  It would take another two months to finish the survey.   


It would be another six months after that under Phase II of my campaign where I returned with a flyer containing the results of my survey to every home in the redistricted legislative district for 2023 that the state legislature altered in special session in December of 2021. 


March 3, 2022.  Clearfield.   Just a little over 36 years ago, I completed a survey at what remains today of a home on this site.  I was in the middle of a legislative survey for my Masters in Public Aministration thesis.  During March of this year, I was again undertaking another survey in this newly added voting precinct in Clearfield but instead of going to a few homes back in 1986, I was going to every residence in the area.

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March 1, 2022.  Clearfield.  Another of those unexpected, frightening experiences where suddenly one is confronted with the real potential of an angry animal and its free ability to attack if it decided to.  In this case, it remained where it was. 


March 18, 2022.  Clearfield


Except in a good portion of Sunset and senior housing developments, stairs are a very real and quite arduous experience, even sometimes a dangerous part of campaigning.  A number of near misses occurred on or near steps over the past four years.   Here in Clearfield on March 13, 2022 I came across stairs that number thirteen, the largest number of steps in Utah House

District 13.  [Correction on my second visit back on July 16, 2022 passing out the results of my legislative survey, I re-counted the number of steps.  There are actually sixteen of them.]

March 30, 2022.  West Point.  Davis County Virtual Convention.  I am apparently running for real for public office in order to make it in time to offer up a brief Convention speech at home.


March 31, 2022.  West Point.   Unlike my 1978 and 1992 Salt Lake School Board campaigns in the well-developed Avenues and West Side, campaigning in some outstretches of Utah House District 13 requires extended walking over long distances between residences.  This private road extends for one of the longest distances from the main road to the home way in the background on the left that a candidate would encounter.


April 4, 2022.  Clinton.   Keys left out.  Not a typical occurrence on the campaign trail.  But happens more often than expected though.


April 7, 2022.  West Point.  Candidates often will encounter life forms of the non-human kind.  It is important to have a sensitivity to such life forms expecially if one is trying to meet as many humans as possible.

March 31, 2022.  West Point.  I am rushing at this point in uncertain weather.  This was a difficult day.  I had just completed my 12,000+ home legislative survey asking residents about their thoughts about our state legislature.  I am two weeks behind schedule, due in part to redistricting.  I am now facing the prospect of returning to all 12,000+ homes again delivering the results of my survey.

April 13, 2022.  Left.  More punishing campaigning in snow flurries trying to make up weeks so I would have time to place my campaign lawn signs and the deliver along with volunteers all of my general election campaign brochures in the fall.


The Utah State Democratic Convention at Cottonwood High School.  The University of Utah Corporate Chef’s quiche was cold but very delicious thanks to one of the State Board of Education candidates whose district incidentally is outside where I live.   April 23, 2022.


LDS Caucus.  Among the most well-attended State Democratic caucuses at the Utah Democratic State Convention.  April 23, 2022.  I gave a brief presentation about the importance of communicating with voters of all political backgrounds.


May 2, 2022.   A little girl climber.  While I was talking to her father, this girl, like a chimpanzee easily climbs this tree.  I deliberately avoided photographing the girl's face out of privacy concerns.


May 4, 2022.  At some point after hours of walking, one's focus and concentration can become weary.  As I walk up to this home, with bleary eyes, I spot this shape and I have to really ponder whether I am approaching a "real" human being.  Do I call out or end up talking to imaginary figures?


May 4, 2022.  A sight like this helped to keep me going, bringing a smile to my face.  Sometimes it is the little things.

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May 14, 2022.  Shoes are a crucial part of a candidate's personal supplies.  Above left are my SEVENTH pair of Sketcher's memory form shoes.  Above right are my EIGHTH pair of Sketchers, the brand and style I have been wearing since March 2018 and finally decided to start wearing.  I had had enough of wet soaking socks.  I have been fortunate that with all the new housing construction that has occurred over the past several years, I have had only two or three nail punctures.  The rough, rocky no sidewalks, no shoulders in various parts of the Utah House District has made walking treacherous in places.  Taking care of one's feet is crucial.  


This is a friendly service dog with wearing anti-skid mittens.  May 17, 2022.

May 17, 2022.   The vissitudes or changing fortunes of campaigning becomes apparent at times.  Carrying an umbrella at "all" times is not one of them.

The dangers of campaigning.  Tripped on a curb and ended up flat on a concrete driveway.  May 18, 2022.  West Point.


May 23, 2022.  Clinton.  Lawn signs are an important way to get name recognition.  The Primary Election is a little more than month away.



When meeting residents, I assess whether or not the resident is likely to be receptive to a 90-second presentation that I developed.  This assessment takes place in less than a second.   If the resident appears apprehensive or rushed, I just come up with various shorter versions on the spot because I have become so proficient in giving my basic presentation hundreds of times.


During presentations, there can be competition from barks barking, F-15 or F-35 jet planes, trains, construction crews, and in this case the building of a carport for apartment tenants.


May 26, 2022.  Clinton


June 10, 2022.  Stairs can turn into unexpected dangers with their different shapes, sizes, heights, and broken and irregular features.  Here there is a sizeable displacement on the left side of the lowest step.  Climbing and descending steps often becomes automatic and then an odd step can really become a risk for stumbling of falling.


June 1, 2022


June 11, 2022.  Former State Rep. Paul Ray enjoying the hot sunshine, out mowing the lawn.  He says his experience as circus clown inside the hot tents without air conditioning helped him develop a preference being out in the hot part of the day.


June 14, 2022.  Clinton.   For my campaign it is important that I deliver to and meet in person as many residents as possible.  Last year, I had to spent some time looking for the gate to this property.  This year was made easier with the gate was barely opened this time.


June 15, 2022.  A woman wearing a head band had just come back inside from the backyward when she heard the doorbell.  She is a personal trainer and offered me a bottle with electrolytes.  Staying hydrated is becoming more important with summer coming.  However, it is quite difficult to carry water with me as it is quite heavy and keeps moving around as well as becoming quite warm.  Without the gracious offerings of water by various residents, active physical campaigning might have become quite ardous, grueling, and nearly impossible.


June 20, 2022.  I had an uneasy feeling as I was talking to a man when I noticed a woman walk to her garbage can across the street.  Something told me to check the garbage can and I discovered my campaign flyer thrown away inside.


June 29, 2022.  Campaigning is not always straight forward.  The can be obstacles just around the corner. 


June 28, 2022.  People can be suprising with their hosptality.  The mother driving here told me that she had met with me a few days earlier.   She is having her son offer me a bottle of water.   Most residents Democrats and Republicans, Jehovah Witnesses, and non-voters, and many others that I have met have been friendly and nice.  Our community only has what some people would call a few "bad apples."  Our community deserves a good State Representative that both political parties are offering this year will do a decent job. 

June 23, 2022.  Clinton.  The Hill Air Force Base Air Show coming up in a couple of days.  Not a lot to see today, but a few jets have been practicing (left).  Really focused on campaigning, and it's not easy to take time out to capture the few aerial displays going on.


Oftentimes there are so many unusual or intriguing events and activities that occur while campaigning but are often missed because there are people to talk to or presentations to record on Smart doorbells.   Even more challenging are the many vacations and personal events that are sacrificed (especially when it comes to my wife) over the past four years in order to hopefully win an election.


June 29, 2022.  Dogs are some of the most delicate and dangerous circumstances when it comes to campaigning.  Each dog is different and their behavior for laypeople unpredictable.  Here this dog was among the most friskiest and friendly dog I have come across.


I had two dogs bite me in 2020.

June 29, 2022.  The most sensitive speed monitoring sign in the Legislative District and located in a senior citizen subdivision.  Here I am walking three to four miles per hour.

July 8, 2022. 



It is now ten days after the Utah primary election.  If am correct, this lawn sign located in Clearfield of the Clearfield City mayor who ran for Davis County Commissioner may be in violation of his own city's political lawn sign ordinance, the most restrictive sign ordinance in Utah House District 13.  If am I correct, this sign should have been taken down three days ago in order to comply to the city's ordinance. 


I have myself struggled with how I am going to stay within the law here because my campaign schedule did not previously do so.   I had initially contemplated of taking the City to court in federal district court for having a lawn sign ordinance that is likely in violation of the U.S. Constitution that protects political free speech from restrictive government interference.

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July 8, 2022.   It is not often that I get to record somebody waving in support of my campaign.  But in this picture, this truck just happened to be at the first in line to turn left stopped at a red traffic light in Clearfield City.  Here is an actual hand wave as I was waving back and taking a picture.  Usually, most vehicles are driving passed me honking in fraction of seconds and people waving at the same time.  Having an uptick of more people honking and waving to me each passing week.

July 8, 2022.  I was just going to take a brief video shot about working.  I did not know that it was going to fall flat.  Just passing by going back to my car.

July 15, 2022.  Drastic weather change for July.  U.S. Weather Service had forecast 20% chance of 0.02 inches of rain in the morning.  Trying to keep to narrow campaign schedule, not too late, not too early.  Turned into an exhausting six hour day.


July 26, 2022.  Photograph right.   "No Soliciting" Signs are one of the more intimidating and conflicting components of a door-to-door campaign a candidate comes across as in this case that specifically mentions "no politics."  But like in about 95% of the homes with "No Soliciting" signs, residents seem to just ignore that they have a sign posted on their home.


The woman here actually invited me into her home when I accepted her offer of water.  She also gave me some facial tissues when I forgot to replace my small package this morning.


July 27, 2022.  This baby bird became trapped in the window well when I scared the bird and two of its siblings out of their nest that had been built on top of an outdoor light fixture of a home for sale.  Using my clipboard it hopped onto it as I lifted the bird up and out of the window well, it then jumped onto my left wrist briefly and then it fluttered down onto the grass where it scampered off.


August 3, 2022.  Clinton.  As a candidate, I try to be respectful of residents' property.  I avoid walking on grass where possible and I usually stay on sidewalks where they exist.  I try to avoid walking in the streets.  But there are times when doing so is practically impossible such as today.  Note the sidewalk to the right of the adjacent photograph.  The sidewalk is completely blocked by bushes and trees, making passage impossible.


August 13, 2022.  Clearfield.  In the near background is a tanker of sulfuric acid (at least the label indicates sulfuric acid).  This very corrosive and poisonous acid apparently is now just yards away stopped on the train track that runs through Clearfield City.


August 18, 2022.  Clearfield.  I began to briefly panic when I attempted to open the gate to leave this property. Three dogs wanted very, very much to escape and all of them were trying to squeeze around my legs to get out of the fenced property. The dogs appeared out of nowhere as I knocked on the door. There had been no posted signs about dogs but there had been worn tracks by the fence that suggested there had been dogs. For a moment, I had thoughts of being trapped inside the fence unable to get out, and that perhaps I might have to climb the fence. But finally, I was able to squeeze my body outside keeping the gate tight against my body without much space for any of the dogs to escape.

August 15, 2022.  Clearfield.  As I started to climb these stares I was looking to the left around the house to see if a dog was about to come around.  So I as started to climb stairs and raised my head, my head hit a portion of this gutter.  It hurt.  This may have been the first, maybe the second time in four and a half years of compaigning.


August 22, 2022.  Clearfield.  My first dog bite since October of 2020.  This time a little dog just took a little bite.  Did not go to the emergency room as I have in the past.  Survived though.

August 24, 2022.  Just three days before my 67th birthday.  Just four days until I finish up going back to all 12,000+ homes in Utah House District 13 with the results of my legislative district survey.  


Have to contend with unpredictable weather.

August 26, 2022.  Early birthday present, a day early.  The delivery of my general election brochures.  My 15,000 copy order for 12,000+ homes.  The extra is for campaign volunteer contingencies.   My printer actually only delivered 13,000 copies.  Still waiting on the remaining 2,000 copies.


August 27, 2022.  Clearfield.  Freshly baked cookies right out of the oven.  They survived the trials from being crushed by my flyers in my newsletter carried bag all day.  I do not believe I even told the woman that it was my birthday. 


August 29, 2022.  West Point.  I had intended to place my lawn signs inside the fence, but decided not to.  These signs along with 33 signs would later be stolen on or around September 2, 2022 and mysteriously spread out on my front lawn the next day.

August  29, 2022.  West Point.  Awkward.  My very first lawn sign  of 2022.  The owner, if I recall, did not know if his home would sell very soon.  Suggested I put up a sign anyway.


August 31, 2022.  Clinton.  I believe it is a mistake for Democrats to avoid reaching out to conservatives.  On the local and state level, moderates and conservatives have important policy concerns in common.

September 3, 2022.  I am getting ready to go out to put up more lawn signs in the morning when I open up my garage and see these lawn signs tossed into my front yard.  Not something any candidate wants to experience.  Most of these signs were taken from private property along 300 North in West Point.  Lost a whole day of putting up these signs and now I need to find some time in my tight campaign schedule to put them back up again.


September 3, 2022.  Clinton.

September 6, 2022.  Clinton.  Once a quiet dead end street, housing development from a new huge subdivision from where I am walking from has created a through street now under construction.  Putting up lawn signs sometimes requires a little more effort than some people realize.  At the same time, it can also bring up past memories as when I had an opportunity to talk to an elderly woman on this street back in 2018.  She no longer lives on this street.


September 8, 2022.  Clinton.  One of State Representative Karen Peterson's lawn signs.  While not has flashy as my signs, the design of her signs reflects dignified experience.


September 8, 2022.  Clinton.  Discovered these glasses on the ground.  I did not want somebody to step on them so I decided to place them on this mailbox where they would be more visible.  I am now on my 11th day of trying to put up all my campaign lawn signs.

September 9, 2022.  Clinton.  Queen Elizabeth has passed away.

September 10, 2022.  First day of delivering my general election brochure to all 12,000+ homes in Utah House District 13.


September 14, 2022.  Clearfield.  Fall in the air.  Temperature never ventured above 70 degrees.  One of the last days of my campaign lawn sign placements.

September 22, 2022.  Since my unexpected dog bites of September and October 2020, my behavior around dogs has changed a little bit.  Besides one small nip from a little dog a month ago, I have been dog-bite free so far the last two years.  Here is another one of those dog encounters that traditional political candidates get to experience or run away from.


September 26, 2022.  West Point.   Not since May 22 of this year have I had to resort to my father's forced judo lessons when I was a white belt as a young boy.  Never was very good at the martial art, but it has saved my life several times since.  On the left is the huge displaced concrete section that was partially hidden by the shade of the tree and which my right foot stumbled over.  My entire body fell forward along with (in the center) a whole bunch of my general election brochures went flying over my head from my newspaper carrier bag.  My hands and arms went forward to cushion my fall along with one of my brochures in my right hand (right).  Instead of a bloodied scarred hand, the brochure and the concrete sidewalk met scraping through six of the eight pages of my brochure.


October 2, 2022.  Clinton.  Rarely does this happen, but this is my newest lawn sign placement.  I had just attaached by campaign brochure to a door and I was leaving when a woman came out and asked about my lawn sign.  Apparently I had talked to her earlier and somehow her request fell through the cracks.  So much for being perfect.

October 6, 2022.  In delivering my special supplemental single-page Clearfield attachment to my general election brochure  to this newly added voting precinct because of redistricting, the sharp, razor-edged flyers and glossy brochures can easily cut into one's fingers while trying to grab them and put them together among the many prints I am carrying around.  After some practice though, the number of paper cuts falls drastically, thankfully. 


October 12, 2022.  Clinton.   I discovered that I cannot do this final literature drop alone.  It is too physically exhausting.  With the help of three campaign volunteers and especially the help of my wife (shown here) , it is expected that all 12,000+ homes will receive my 8-page general election during a 45-day span that commenced back in September. 

October 16, 2022.  The last couple of weeks of my active campaign before ballots go out in the mail in a two days.  It has been a long, physically brutal and mentally challenging campaign.  Almost all of my campaign marketing efforts have come to fruition.  There is practically nothing else that I could have done differently.  Win or lose, I have no regrets.  I did the best I could do.

October 19, 2022.  West Point.  The the closing days of my campaign, decided to start on finishing up the last West Point voting precinct, a likely three-day activity, instead of the last Clinton voting precinct, based on my feelings having visited the neighborhoods many times over the past four and a half years.  Here I came across another of those dog encounters and a downed Karen Peterson sign (a connection?).

October 22, 2022.  Clinton.  One of my closing remarks to a hard fought 2018-2022 Utah House election campaign.  

November 2, 2022.  Coping with major setback.    Taking last minute effort to take over from volunteer who went to wrong voting precinct.  I am delivering both my  special edition flyer and general election brochure to last remaining voting precinct today and tomorrow.


November 12, 2022.  West Point.   Bobbie, my wife, helping me deliver my thank you notices to lawn sign properties.  This is the fourth day of picking up lawn signs.  Near the end.

November 12, 2022.  Clearfield.  Practically finished up picking up my 400+ lawn signs.




There are many wonderful homes, yards, and displays in our own local neighborhoods.  I have enjoyed the opportunity to experience the amazing natural beauty and the hard work that many residents have dedicated to making our community our own.


If you like, experience more of our wondeful community check out  the "OUR NEIGHBORHOODS" Webpage.



Having visited almost all 12,000+ homes in our Utah House District nearly nine times over the past several years, nearly a half-decade, I have encountered a number of interesting and odd things a number of times.  Check it out if you like on my FUN CAMPAIGN FACTS webpage.


Tab Lyn Uno


July 2022


First it was my ignoring "No Soliciting" signs and where a woman in 2018 and I got into an intense email argument.  I repeatedly ask for her address so I could put her property on my DO NOT CALL BACK LIST but she refused.  Now, it is a mother who left a message on my phone on June 1, 2022 complaining because I rang her doorbell a number of times and left a long message on her smart doorbell.  She also complained that I parked my car all over with my lawn signs attached.   


Apparently according to this mother, she is mad at me and called me a "moron" for using her "ringer repeatedly" so I could leave an "incredibly long message" and waking up her kids because supposedly "whatever you needed to say and do was more important than what anyone else in the world was going on that day."  This mother went on to say that what I was doing was "rude."  "If we want to hear you, we would answer the door. "  This woman also said that I "should stop parking my car in all these places because quite frankly it is hard to see around your car with all your signs over it. You keep doing these dumb things that infuriate me."  She concluded that I am making people hate me because I have no consideration for anything or anyone.


I feel her 90-second message on my phone which is about the same length as my doorbell presentation deserves a response.  She invited me to call her and talk with her.  I did call the same day after I came home but nobody answered so I too had to leave a message as well as a text message about her giving me her address, if she wished, so I could put her home on my DO NOT CALL BACK LIST.  I have not heard back from her.


  1. These new fancy doorbells nowadays are becoming more fickle and wearing out electronically.  My practice to ringing or knocking on doors over the past three years has been to only ring or knock  TWO TIMES.  Only if the smart doorbell is acting strangely do I sometimes ring the bell twice and then wait and ring one more time.  I ring doorbells twice to leave my message and because sometimes it takes two rings to get people's attention and some do not hear the first ring.  I want residents to know I am not the delivery person and that there is a person waiting so not to waste their time coming to the door and nobody is there.  I want to be considerate to those people who take the time to answer their door.

  2. I leave a message when I can instead of standing around and looking stupid.  Two years ago a man showed me recorded on his phone and I was just standing moving around, looking pretty boringly out of it.  Since then, I decided to spend my time more productively and record a 90-second message that happens to be shorter than most ad breaks on television.  I do not have the luxury of being rich or having lucrative donors so I can spend thousands of dollars on mostly meaningless television ads.  And I leave a message when I can because most people are not home to answer their door.  Some form of individual contact with residents I believe is important so that they can briefly experience the person I am.

  3. My campaign message IS important not only to me but to every community member in House District 13.  It is part of the fundamental First Amendment Right of our U.S. Constitution that protects political speech.  Getting Americans involved in our political process and allowing them to become informed of their choices to select our elected representatives is among the most vital and essential parts of our uniquely American society.

  4. I would be a "moron" not to use and park my car.  Utah House legislative district #13 covers 90% of Clinton, 90% of West Point, north part of Clearfield and a small portion of Sunset.  To walk just to get to the neighborhood I am canvassing would be impossible.  My car is no more a danger than cars with dark shaded windows, big delivery trucks and construction and repair rigs, or semi-trucks that can be found parked in various places throughout our House District.  I would argue that some lawn signs that are placed perpendicular to the road are more dangerous to drivers who have to take their eyes off the road to read the signs than my signs on my car that are visible to drivers without them having to turn their heads.

  5. I have been considerate to residents.  Especially this year, I have become sensitive to the behavior of "busy" residents who answer their doors and cut my campaign speech short.  I do not walk on lawns because I feel that it is disrespectful.  I am careful when children answer the doors to only ask for their parents if their parents are not busy.  I do not ask if their parents are home.  I sometimes help carry delivery goods inside residents homes with their permission.  Last year, I helped this little girl coming home from school when she found herself locked out of her home.  I waited until I could confirm that her mother was on her way home.


Few people know what it is really like to be a candidate for public office and what we have to experience.  Campaigning can be an exhilarating experience but it can also be a devastatingly emotionally painful experience.  It can be hard, hard work.  Too many residents just do not seem to appreciate that.  Maybe this is one reason why it is so hard to get good people to run for office anymore.

Tab L. Uno


This doorbell did not ring on the first push so I rang it again and it rang out.  June 2, 2022.  Later another Skybell blinked orange as I pressed the doorbell.  Then it changed to yellow so I pressed the bell again.  No ring.  Then it changed to orange so I rang it again just in case while knocking on the door.  There are no candidate classes on this stuff.

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Here is a simple way a resident can avoid problems in the future.  June 20, 2021.

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This Vivint doorbell did not ring when I pressed the doorbell so I tried again.  No response.  June 2, 2022.  It seems impossible to know if these bells are recording or if anybody is listening.  Three times in the past, I had residents call out thanking me as I left their porch.  There is no protocol as to how to handle these types of devices as a candidate.  I am making it up as I go along.


Some residents unfamiliar with our District may not realize the long distances that candidates walk just to get from one home to another.  Picture was taken January 14, 2021 along what I believe is 1800 North.  Use of a car is essential.


Sometimes consideration for candidates would be appreciated.  Dangerous, slippery conditions are not typically a candidate's experience.  January 11, 2021.

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